YHC arrived early to enjoy the tranquility of the awesome Beaufort AO and the myriad of yachts on the waterfront prior to Q’ing The War. All PAX arrived on time and YHC began the introduction to F3 as follows for reminder to all: Fitness, Fellowship, and Faith: Mission: Plant, grow, and serve small W/O groups for the invigoration of male community leadership; Core Principles: W/O’s are free; open to all men; held outdoors; participant led; end w/COT; Disclaimer: I am not a professional, I cannot be sued, exercise at your own pace, modify when necessary. Let’s mosey and get better!

Mosey to the Maritime Museum for Warmorama: SSH x 20 IC; Wind Mills x 20 IC; Hillbilly’s x 20 IC; Cotton Pickers x 20 IC; Sun Gods x 20 IC fwd/rev; Good Mornings x 20 IC; R over L 20 ct & reverse; Burpees x 5 oyo.

Mosey to west end roundabout: The Thang: Merkins x 10 IC; Lt. Dan roundabout; Merkins x 10 SC; Bear Crawls roundabout; Shoulder Taps x 10 IC; Lt. Dan roundabout; Burpees x 5 oyo.

Mosey to Watercraft Center Deck, a.k.a. “BFT Cutting Board”: Squats x 20 SC; Monkey Humpers x 20 IC; Plank Jacks x 20 IC; Air Press x 20 IC; Mt. Climbers x 20 IC; Burpees x 5 oyo.

Mosey to Dock House Park: Erkins x 20 SC; Dips x 20 SC; Derkins x 20 SC; Step-ups x 10 each leg; Merkins x 20 SC; Burpees x 5 oyo.

Mosey to Beaufort Town Hall: BTTW 10 ct each pax; Burpees x 5 oyo.

Mosey to Tweed’s Marina: Bicep Curls x 20 SC w/Paver; Triceps Ext x 20 SC w/Paver; Overhead Press x 20 w/Paver.

Mosey back to Dock House for Mary: LBC x 20 IC; Low Slow Flutter x 20 IC; Boss Tweeds x 20 IC.

Announcements, Prayer Requests; Flip took us out in reverent prayer.

Always an honor to lead an F3 workout group and see the dedication to get better while exhibiting true fellowship in the colorful mumble chatter that inevitably arises!

SYITG…..Wifi out.

TClap |