• When: 05/30/18
  • Workout Style: Ruck
  • QIC: Lunchbox
  • PAX: Cooter, Purplerain, Barn Door (Respect), Buttoncap, Dumpster Dawg, Couch Potato (Respect), Navy (Respect), Tony Romo, Laettner, Lunchbox
  • AO: Cape Carteret Expansion, Prometheus

8 Ruckers and 2 runners converged on this humid but pleasant morning beneath the glow of the Bojangles sign. With a flawless mission statement, we set of into the gloom. The runners set off to accomplish their objectives and the rest of us headed west down Hwy 24. We crossed over around Harrika’s and headed back east, making a left by the soon-to-be Neuse Sports Shop and headed toward the Octagon House. From there we traveled through Marsh Harbor, up by the fire station (we picked up the runners here who had backtracked from the end point to find us), and back down Old Hwy 58 to end up back at Bojangles. With a short mosey around the parking lot and the smell of chicken biscuits filling the air, we circled up for a few minutes of…


Low slow flutters x 20ic

American Hammers x 15ic

WW1 x 20sc

LBC x 20ic

Monkey Humpers x 20ic

Cotton Pickers x 20ic

Supermans x 25ic

6:15 Hard Stop

After Namarama, Purplerain took us out in prayer with special requests given for Blart’s wife who is preparing for surgery this morning, as well as others who are battling cancer also.

Always an honor, my friends!


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