I showed up at the pier this morning with my 2.0 in tow to find Laettner, RuPaul, and Ladybug already there. We also discovered that Bogue Inlet Pier is the busiest place in Carterico at 5:15 on a nice fall morning. With multiple vehicles streaming in, Vice and Buttoncap find their way to us and we hardstart at 5:15. Mission statement is given and we mosey to the beach with the shovel flag in hand. Along the way Laettner stops to give an F3 infomercial to some curious fishermen. Down on the beach we begin with…


  • Windmills IC x 15
  • Merkins SC x 5
  • Sungods IC x 15
  • Merkins SC x 5
  • Reverse Sungods IC x 15
  • Merkins SC x 5

The Thang

At this point I let the Pax know that we will be carrying the shovel flag with us today in honor of “See You at the Pole” which was rescheduled to today in Carterico. Each Pax would take a turn carrying the flag as we rucked and would spend that time in prayer or meditation for whatever was on their heart. So at this point we headed west down the beach. With the tide being up, we were forced into the soft sand by the crashing waves. If you haven’t rucked in the soft sand before, let me tell you, it’s not the same as rucking down Evans St! We headed out till about 5:30 and planted the flag and circled up for a…

Merkin wave

The Pax would hold the plank position while each member did 1 merkin in succession around the circle. Then 2 merkins, then 3, then 4, 5, and descending back down 4, 3, 2, and 1.

Knowing Laettner had to leave early for “See You at the Pole” responsibilities, we headed back east to the Pier. Laettner headed out and the Pax lined up for…

Bear crawl/ Crawl bear x 3

Pax would bear crawl the width of the pier then crawl bear back. We did this three times and headed east again.

I think at this point the Pax were really starting to feel the effects of the soft sand, but we moseyed on along. About 15 min out we circled up again for…

  • Pack Curls IC x 15
  • Pack Air presses IC x 15

From here we headed back west to the pier and arrived at about 6:14 so we moseyed on up to the vehicles for a hard stop at just after 6:15.


Countarama and Namarama were done. Announcements and Prayer requests were given. YHC took us out in prayer thanking God for this beautiful day and praying for peace and comfort for those facing death and destruction all across our great country.

As always, it’s an honor and privilege to lead you great men!




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