• When: 02/24/18
  • Workout Style: Boot Camp
  • QIC: Buckeye
  • PAX: laettner, griswold, pasqually, mcmuffin, lunchbox, kevin underwood (fng), skimmer, snookie, staypuft, jwow, ladybug, buttoncap, sparkles, ups, pillbox (respect), floater, buckeye
  • AO: Cape Carteret Expansion, Field of Dreams

Thanks to Laettner’s campaigning we had an awesome turn out Field of Dreams. YHC was pretty nervous as the clock was nearing hard start and a sea of vehicles continued to arrive. With a hard start the F3 Mission was butchered, an FNG was introduced, and a disclaimer was given.

Moseyed about the parking lot and began…

SSH x 20
Cotton Pickers x 15
Hill Billy’s x 15

With that we moved on to…

The Thang

Indian Run – Catch me if you can – Merkins. YHC made a mistake by having the PAX partner up, it was an ordeal. Finally two lines were formed and we were off. The last person in each line did 5 merkins, got up and ran to the front, the next dropped for 5 merkins and so on. After 5 minutes of that I could tell the PAX needed some encouragement, so…

Bropees x 5 (Partner Burpees with a double high five during the jump)

A short mosey to Baseball Field #1 and we ran laps around the perimeter fence stopping in the corners for Step ups, Squats, and Lunges x 10 increasing by 5 each lap.

YHC could tell he was losing favor with the PAX, so instead of a rinse and repeat we moved to the slightly smaller field and did the same with Dips, Gas Pumps, and WWI’s

At this point Snookie started making threats and telling me about how he felt in the most New Jersey way possible. So I decided to take what he had to say to heart and let the FNG choose the next work out. When given the choice of door number one or door number two, he made some lame poop joke and picked Bear Crawl Inch Worms. After that YHC tried organizing the PAX into Wheelbarrow Derkins, but that was Omaha’d after the first set.

After the Omaha I could sense a bit of sadness in the air, and the only cure was a round of BIG SEXY!

Pickle Pounders, Monkey Humpers, and the Boss Tweeds. Even after the disclaimer, the PAX couldn’t help but eye-ball the Q! With spirts lifted we moved onto…

Suicides! 10 Merkins (not pushups) at each cone, once the six was collected we moseyed to the Shovel flags for a quick…


We circled up, assumed the Al Gore and each PAX gave us a 10 count. After, we transitioned into a quick 30 second plank which brought us to a hard stop.

Name-a-rama, named the FNG Canary, Announcements, Ball of Man, then off to Java Post!

Thanks for living the dream with me today! Next time Ill try to be more organized and wheelbarrow derkins will happen!

TClap |