• When: 03/03/2020
  • Workout Style: Boot Camp
  • QIC: Pillbox
  • PAX: McSketti, Sparkles, Linus, Maytag, Purplerain, Linus, Catfight, Tony Romo, Cooter, Frank N Beans (Respect Respect), Ponch, Couchpotato (Respect), Griswold, Honey Wagon, Cyclops (Respect), Pasqually, FNG, Now and Forevermore: Aunt Flo
  • AO: Back Blasts, Boonedocks, Cape Carteret Baptist Church, Cape Carteret Expansion

Another great start to a Carterican day!  PAX arrived on time so there were no burpees, at least during warm-a-rama, which consisted of a few SSH.

YHC decided keep it simple and rack n stack BLIMPS on a mosey down Anita Dr in Cape Carteret.  5 Burpees, 10 Lunges ea leg, 15 Imperial Walkers, 20 Merkins, 25 Air Press, 30 Squats.  Breaking into six stops from CCBC to the sound, adding 1 exercise per stop.  We un-racked on the 6 stops returning.  Timed perfectly the PAX arrived at the virutal flag at precisely 0609 for 6 minutes of Mary.

Mary:  LBC’s, Dying Cockroaches, X-Files, WWI’s, Plank to the hard stop.

Namarama: FNG now Aunt Flo, hopefully he will last more than 3 days.

Annoucements:  Purplerain and the $2005 raised from the oyster roast for Backpack Kids, Frank N Beans 3rd F following the workout, Weinstein on the Late show, Frank N Beans reminder about the weigh in and year-long weight challenge with $10 fee donated to Backpack Kids,

Griswold took us out in a heartfelt prayer.

TClaps for Sparkles in helping YHC with the timing of today’s workout, appreciate you brother!

Until next time, SYITG


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