YHC was pleasantly surprised to see 11 PAX show up for the morning monsoon. I remember thinking before arriving at the AO, it would be lucky if 4 or 5 show up. As we started to gather, I noticed Newman, Kiwi and Ricardo were already soaked from the 5:05 standard. That’s dedication right there! Excited to see Jackrabbit back in the gloom as well. Hard Start! A flawless mission statement and disclaimer was said.

Warm A Rama

Cotton Pickers, Hairy Rockettes & Sun gods.


Buttercups IC x20, BTTW 3 count per pax then 2 hand walks left, next 3 count, 2 hand walks right.
Dips SC x20, Derkins SC x15, Step ups IC x10 left then x10 right. Quick mosey to the tennis court.

Triple – Nickle x5 rounds using Merkins, Squats, Double Wide Merkins, WW1s & Diamond Merkins

Mosey to the side road. Time for a spartan. Using the lamp post spaced about 30 yards apart, we sprinted to the light and performed 10 Merkins x2 rounds. Then, x2 round using WW1s. Mosey back to the tennis court for another 5 rounds of Triple-Nickle. Great job guys!

back to the picnic tables for another round of Dips, Derkins and Step ups. Then, back to the wall for more Buttercups and Air Presses. Had a couple of minutes to spare so, added and Glut Bridges. Mosey back to the circle for a Bull in the Ring Mary. All 11 PAX  got a chance to choose an exercise. Hard Stop!  Count a Rama, Name a Rama, Announcements and Prayer Request were lifted as ended in prayer.

I’d like to thank everyone for supporting me at the Knarr. Thanks to Bo Peep for allowing me to lead these F3 men in a downpour. Yes, it was raining… However, we managed to laugh, cut up and enjoy the fellowship even in miserable conditions. In the end, I actually enjoyed being in the rain. Until next time…




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