• When: 07/17/18
  • Workout Style: Boot Camp
  • QIC: Creflo
  • PAX: Reef, Ricardo, Wilson (respect), Blue Cross, Pedro (respect), Villa (respect), Lovin It
  • AO: Anchor Ball, Back Blasts

YHC rolled up a bit earlier than normal, must have been at least 5:20, just enough time to set up the Corn-Hole board.  Pax showed up steadily for another perfect morning in the gloom.

Welcome, mission statement, mosey to the tree of life (YHC was called out about a lack of disclaimer so disclaimer was given.)  Warmarama – Windmill,  Right over left, reverse, Sungods, Merkins x5, Hill Billy, mosey back to parking lot.

The Thing

Round 1

Toss the bean bag.  Short or Long = 15 reps, off the side = 10, on the board = 5, in the hole=none

Draw from the hat an exercise: Copperhead Squats in Cadence (x3), Merkins (x3), Alternating Shoulder Taps in Cadence, Burpies OYO, Plank Jacks in Cadence (x2), Mountain Climbers in Cadence, American Hammer in Cadence (x3),  Monkey Humpers in Cadence,  LBC in Cadence (x2), Dips  Single Count (x2)

Round 2

Toss the bean bag.  Short or Long = 10 reps, off the side = 5, on the board = mosey around the light pole, in the hole=none  Same exercises as round one.

Round two lasted right up to the hard stop.

Thanks to the Pax for the fun time and good push.

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