• When: 03/30/2018
  • Workout Style: Ruck
  • QIC: Pedro
  • PAX: Gertrude (Respect), Nipple Shot, Reef Donkey, Shaft, Sniffer (Respect), Suit Case (Respect), Last, and certainly not least, Rooney.
  • AO: Back Blasts, Rucky Duck

It was a beautiful Carterican morning with no rain and just a bit windy. Seven strong ruckers and one hiker started from the Sweet Beans Parking lot and headed downtown. The pace was brisk, but not such that the conversation was inhibited. Nipple Shot and Gert spent most of the time discussing how they were going to beat their bodies into shape in time for the Myrtle Beach Smackdown. They discussed meeting at 0300 hiking to West HS, doing the Hero Patriot and then hiking back to wherever they started. Madness!! I’m sure they world let anyone who wants to to accompany them. Clearly CASUP. We arrived back at the Beans lot in time to search for MADOFF who put out a HC saying he would show and buy coffee. Crickets. Rooney led us all in the lord’s prayer, especially important today. Good Friday. It was a pleasure to lead and to be humbled by the strength and goodness displayed by these Cartericans. Pedro

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