• When: 05/06/18
  • Workout Style: Boot Camp
  • QIC: Big Mic
  • PAX: PAX: Ron Burgandy, Dance Hall, MeMe Villa, Chatley
  • AO: Back Blasts, Tinkerbells

5 men looking to get better cam out for a “Glorious” morning of swinging the bells> We gathered around the flag and circled up with the other HIMs participating in the HIN AO. Nipple Shot kicked us off and YHC took us home on the mission statement and disclaimer. We broke off into our respective groups and took a quick mosey about a 100 yards and circled up for Waramaram



Sun Gods forward and back X10

Cotton Pickers IC X 10

Hillbillys IC X20


The Thang

3 rounds with 100 yard Pallet Cleanser in-between

Good Mornings X 10

Goblet Squats X10

Arm Curl to shoulder press both sides X10

Bent Row X10


2 rounds Thruster X 10 (combination lift pull to squat and shoulder press both sides) then jump over bell


Split into 2 man teams

Partner A fireman carry both kettle bells 80 Yards while partner B LSF until Partner A returns 2 rounds


Partner A fireman carry both kettle bells 60 yards and lunge 20 yards while partner B does WW1 situps



Mosey back to the flag for HARD STOP


Count off, no FNG


Announcements: none


It was my pleasure to lead






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