• When: 06/28/2018
  • Workout Style: Bootcamp
  • QIC: Flipova
  • PAX: Goober, Boss Tweed, Bunion, Twitty, WiFi, Jigawatt, Livermush, Graco, Steamer, Au Jus, Frostedflake, Aflac, Winnie the poo
  • AO: Back Blasts, Beaufort, Man-O-War

YHC has the Q today and was not sure what I wanted today and then I got a text from ol Jang that said, y’all ever meet over at Beaufort Middle school??? Grass there. That was all I needed and I had the workout planned. As I ran back from the field after setting cones I was surprised to see some many and some from the west. A flawless disclaimer was given and we were off for warmarama. We moseyed about 100 yds and circled up for warmarama

ssh x 20 IC

cotton Pickers x 15 IC

r/l good mornings x 10 IC

l/r good mornings x 10 IC

that was enough warm up needed to leave enough time for the Thang……

this is how it went down

Quarter pounder:

run 25 yds perform 25 Merkins back pedal back

run 50 yds and complete 50 plank jacks back pedal back

run 75 yds and complete 75 SSH sc and back pedal back

run 100 yds and complete 100 LBCs and back pedal back

Next was the sharknado, perform each exercise then run 100 yds and back for the next once and 40 LBCs we completes another set and worked our way back down


15 Burpees OYO

20 Diamond Merkins

25 WWI sit-ups

30 scorpion Drydocks


30 Scorpion drydocks

25 WWI sit-ups

20 Diamond Merkins

15 Burpees OYO

quick recovery then we almost completed the double quarter pounder Beaufort style.

Double Quarter pounder

50 Merkins run 25 yds do 25 back pedal and run back to the 25 yds cone for 25 more

100 drydocks 50/50 repeat as 25 yd

125 Squats 75/50 repeat as others couldn’t finish the 100 LSF/100 LBC due to lack of time.

BOM, YHC took us out this morning. It was a pleasure leading today and it is great to see how much Beaufort has grown over the past year.

Until next time



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