• When: 05/09/18
  • Workout Style: Prometheus Ruck
  • QIC: Rupaul
  • PAX: @Navy, @Romo, @Ladybug
  • AO: Back Blasts

As I pulled into the BIP parking lot, I noticed Ladybug was ready and waiting.  Navy had sent a message that he would be coming in hot but had plenty of time to spare.  Romo pulled up right on time and off the PAX went.  We headed west on the beach for roughly 1.75 miles before making the trek back to the parking lot.  The sun stayed hidden for the morning, but the ocean was calm and the tide was low so it made for a great 3.65 mile ruck. As alwasy I enjoyed a little bit of time with each of these men.  Romo took us out this morning with a great prayer.  Until next time men.

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