• When: 11/06/2017
  • Workout Style: Run n gun
  • QIC: Dipper
  • PAX: Jang, steamer, birdman, Duck, Shroom, roonie, 2nd mile, bayliner, Ramses, Gertrude, flip ova, misty, squeeler, Bucky, puddles, Aflac, Crabby eng,
  • AO: Back Blasts

It had been a while since YHC got his keys back to the workout he started and put on the map. But boy did it feel good to be back to the table setter.  Lots of things have changed, as it used to be someone getting an upset tummy and taking a dump in a person’s yard. It used to be someone getting sick and throwing up over the fence at shevans.  It used to be steamer taking his shirt off and trying to intimidate crabby Englishman OR  Gertrude getting mad and speeding off in his car ,  when he found out we were going to run the bridge.   Times of changed for the better  “ maybe”

18 guys, we’re ready to start their week off right as we gathered at shavens Park. Lots of Familiar faces, so I knew I had to put a good workout in place.

Warmarama-  consisted of us running a half a mile to Saint Andrews church. Once we arrive, we did:  SSH x15, Suns God’s x10 reverse x10, windshield wipers x10, right over left , left over right AND 10 hand release merkins IC

Next we ran all the way at the bridge doing in Indian run.  Shroom farted at the top.   Then we all ran back down the bridge and back to the church for a quick workout :  hand release merkins ic x 15.  Inch worm merkins x 10.  And 15 squats.

Mean 1/2 mile back to the school parking lot and we partnered up. “ squeeler needed to change his drawers “ and Aflac and roonie needed deordarant.   After we partnered up, one person would run the length of the parking lot twice while the other person did  : merkins, dry docks , burpees, lbc’s. , ww1’s and plank jacks, Russian hammers

Mary- x’s And o’s.  10,15,20,25 Count.  Freddy Mercury’s and Plank Merkins

Shroom has back to back Q’s.  Rosie at dread.  Puddles in beaufort.

It was an honor fellas.  Keep pushing.

Syitg – dipper

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