• When: 03/26/20
  • Workout Style: Boot Camp
  • QIC: Princess
  • PAX: Cyclops (Respect), Pillbox (Respect), Ricardo, Kiwi, TarHole, She Bangs, Mayo, Aunt Flow, Catfight, Frank and Beans (Respect Respect), Bandit (Respect)
  • AO: Back Blasts, Rolling Stone

As we continue to gather during these troubling times, YHC wanted to make sure to keep my brothers safe. With that in mind, I designed today’s workout to keep us 6 feet apart at all times, By using the elements provided at the Rolling Stone. The PAX began to roll in. I was greatly surprised, 12 F3 warriors showed up this morning! Let’s do this guys! Hard Start… A flawless mission statement & disclaimer was stated.


Hairy Rockettes -IC x10, Trunk Rotation- IC x10, A combination of Butt Kickers and High Knees across Approximately 50 yards. Mosey….


The breezeway wall has columns that are 6 feet apart ironically. I instructed everyone to find a column and stand a cross from it on the wall, keeping them 6 feet apart. BTTW 10 count per PAX

using the four corners of the parking lot, we split into two groups to keep social distancing. 4×4 Merkins & Mountain Climbers. Back to the wall…

Wall Worms x3 rounds, Peoples chair while we stated the 5 core principles of F3… back to the parking lot

4×4 Squats & LBCs …. back to the wall

Donkey Kicks SC x20, People chair with added air presses x5 count each…. back to the parking lot

I told each person to find their own line, keeping a safe distance in between each PAX. Using three rows of the parking lot, we would use today’s date for the number of reps. 10 on the first row, 10 on the second row and 6 on the third row. Then mosey back to the start for the next exercise…. we completed,

Merkins x26, WW1s x26, Scorpion Dry Docks x26 & LBCs x26. Great job fellas! Back to the wall…

Australian mountain climbers IC x20… Mosey to the fountain…

Again, keeping safe distance apart, we performed..

Step ups IC x20, Dips x20, Erkins x20 and Durkins x20 (for Kiwi)… mosey to the flag for Mary

LSF – Aunt Flow

Superman (for Couch Potato) – Cyclops

Dying Cockroach – Bandit

American Hammers – Mayo

Hard Stop! COUNT A RAMA, NAME A RAMA, ANNOUNCEMENTS & PRAYER REQUEST were lifted up for Catfights friend & McSetti’s family and friends who are struggling with the virus. Kiwi lead us in prayer. Thanks brother!

Moleskin: we all love this thing we call F3. What makes F3 so great, is the brotherhood that we share. With that brotherhood comes responsibility to reach out to our brothers in need. I talked about it this morning and felt the need to say it again here for those who are reading at home. Some of us do just fine being alone and isolated. Others, struggle with what could lead to feeling depressed. I think it’s safe to say, we all have a little spare time these days. So, if you haven’t heard from a fellow brother in a while, reach out to them! They just might need some encouragement to keep their chin up during these difficult times. It only takes minutes to lend an ear, but could lead to the start of a great friendship! We’re in this together, let’s stay together! I love you guys, I encourage you to stay safe and keep well!! Whether I have met you or not. I’m here if you need an ear!





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