• When: 12/30/17
  • Workout Style: Boot Camp
  • QIC: Rupaul LadyBug
  • PAX: Snookie, Couch Potato (Respect), J-Wow, Jackson FNG, Lunchbox, Josh (FNG), Button Cap, Redskin, Laettner, Griswald, Pillbox (Respect), Blart (Respect)
  • AO: Back Blasts

This morning was special, Coach Potato was on site despite the cold, probably because he volunteered LadyBug and myself for our V Co Q.  We had 12 PAX and 2 FNG’s

The PAX gathered this morning and they welcomed my 2.0’s Jackson and Josh.

We began with the mission statement and disclaimer.


-20 Side Straddle Hops, -20 Sun Gods, -20 Reverse Sun Gods

The 1st Half

We moseyed, over to the outfield and knocked out 20 Merkins then ran along the outfield fence to the opposite foul poul where the PAX knocked out 20 LBC’s.  The men did 5 sets of this.

We then moseyed over to the soccer field and enjoyed a little tire tossing.  We broke into 4 groups and tossed the tires 20 yards down and back.  The rest of the group planked while waiting their turn. We did 2 sets of this.

Next we got to the play ground and we bear crawled, crab walked, and lunged ourselves around the playground.

After getting the PAX back together we headed back to the diamond for a little relay race.  Two teams of 7, relay raced down to their teams foul pole and back, meanwhile the rest of the PAX we doing “Sit Down” Thanks for that reliable info @Couch Potato.

The 2nd Half

LadyBug lead the Pax through some grueling work for the final 30 minutes.

There were

One Arm Merkins, Motivators, Air Presses, Box Cutters,Squats (Sit Downs), Moroccan Night Clubs, Cotton Pickers, Dying Cockroaches, J-Lo’s (Cause we all need a fatter 6)

Then followed up with an extreme game of Tug-O-War.  We finished with 3 minutes to spare, so the Pax found a seat on the fence and passed tires up and down the line.


This morning was an amazing morning for myself, not only did I get to enjoy the outdoors and some exercise with some of the county’s finest men, I enjoyed it with two of my sons.  Thank you for a great morning men, I hope you all have a wonderful day, weekend and new year.   Please keep the prayers lifted for all those in need and thank you for welcoming Mariner (Josh) and Stonewall (Jackson) to the Carterico Family.

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