• When: 7/28/19
  • Workout Style: Boot Camp
  • QIC: Snooki
  • PAX: Ricardo Birdman Monkey Wrench Snooki
  • AO: Back Blasts

With YHC trying to get back on the horse I figured the only was to start Q’ing so the Knarr was it. As I rolled in at the hard start Pasqually style I found 3 other HIMS waiting for my arrival

Cotton Pickers and Imperial Walkers got the juices flowing for the short mosey to the bleachers for 100 bleacher squats OYO. The bleacher seat was a low one and my fat ass was the only one that got wet from the cool morning dew on the seat 🤦‍♂️

Another short mosey down field for 100 LBC’s OYO

Them the “monkey bars” for 25 hanging knee lifts

short mosey to the tennis courts for some 11’s with WWI’s at both sides

mosey over to the picnic tables for some Dips, Irkins, and Derkins 20-15-10-5

mosey to the septic tank pump for 100 Alternating Shoulder Taps

with some time left we hung out at the wall for Peoples Chair and BTTW 10 count each X’s 2

back to the flag for some mary

announcements and pestered request then Monkey Wrench les us out in prayer

The Knarr is a great AO (not as great as The Rolling Stone) and has a lot to offer a Q. I enjoyed it Denver and look forward to the next one!

TClap |