• When: 10/10/2018
  • Workout Style: Boot Camp
  • QIC: Puddles
  • PAX: Monkey (Respect), Suitcase, (Respect) Big Mic, Winnie, Reef, Boss Tweed, (Respect) Aflac, Doogie (Respect), Rooney, Au Jus, Costanza, Puddles (Respect)
  • AO: Morehead City, Table Setter

Eleven men gathered with YHC for a little failure beat down.  T-Claps to Big Mic and Au Jus for posting after spending  a grueling weekend running in the mountains.   Well done you two!  That could not have been easy.

With Monkey Wrench appointed as the official time keeper, the one minute warning was issued and after a bit more discussion of Florence and her intentions, YHC decided that being we had no FNG’s in the audience, intro and disclaimer would be skipped and off we went, heading east.  We soon came across and  small cone set just off the side of the street and YHC informed the PAX to take a mental note of said cone as we were going to visit it again soon.  5 Burpees OYO, then off to 4th St. and into the nearby parking lot for Warm-a-Rama.

Sufficiently stretched, we mosyed to the beginning of 4th St and YHC attempted to have the PAX line up facing west,  6 or so across and 2 deep.  After much discussion, YHC was satisfied with the alignment of the PAX and instructed the first wave to sprint to the cone which was  approx. 100 yards away.   After the first wave took off, the second wave waited a few seconds and the go command was issued to them.  YHC’s thinking here was by running in two waves we would minimize the chances of some feet getting tangled up and then someone’s week would really get off to a bad start.  This went on for 3 down and backs, 6 sprints total with no recovery.

We then moseyed down the street toward the cutting board.  Before arrival, YHC had the PAX stop and place their feet up on the chains that run through the posts at the charter boats for 10 Dirkens.

We moseyed on to the cutting board for the main event.   YHC explained the challenges that lay ahead as thus:  each exercise we did, we would perform to failure.  Failure would be somewhat different for each exercise but the general idea was, when your feet or legs or arms could not pump out another rep, you were done. Take a break as needed but then jump back in and continue until the last man was standing caved.

We started with Merkins S/C

Next up was squats.  YHC admits that squats to failure could take a while and the PAX  made it clear that squats weren’t all that tough.  Enter the bottom half squat.  When you begin the upward move of the squat, only lift up a few inches then go back down.   Mumble chat ceased.

Next up was dips, followed by mountain climbers, burpees, SSH, bear crawls, partner wheelbarrow carries, partner merkins (my feet on my partner’s back while he holds plank and I do merkins to failure,  then reverse it with my partner’s feet on my back as he does Merkins) and 6 inch leg raise.  We then walked to the Big Rock Fountain for step ups till failure with right leg leading.   Failure reached, we took a 10 count and went to failure, left leg leading.

YHC then called for 5 laps around the fountain but after two YHC called time out on the laps and off we sprinted, back to the parking lot.

YHC is sure he’s missing some exercises.   I blame Boss Tweed for stealing YHC’s index card that held such vital information (well, he only threatened to steal it, but still).

No time for Mary, we  circled up for announcements and prayer concerns.  Check slack for information on a 9/11 bleacher run.  It was certainly good news that the BRR’s made it back safe and sound.  Big MIc and Au Jus said they felt the prayers.  Prayers for all that will be affected by Florence.  Au Jus took us out.

Everyone be safe.  It was a pleasure to lead.


Puddles out.



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