• When: 04/27/2018
  • Workout Style: Ruck
  • QIC: Puddles
  • PAX: Nipple Shot, Blue Cross, Ron Burgandy, Reef Donkey, Wilson, Puddles
  • AO: Morehead City, Rucky Duck

A pax of 5 joined YHC for a little Rucking this morning.  It was a still morning with just the right amount of humidity so a sweat was bound to break out.  We had 55 minutes to cover the AB bridge and make it back to the ATM in front of the College.  Apparently all the confusion the Stampede guys were suffering regarding their AO caused at least one gazelle to meet up with the Rucky Duckers at the  money machine.  Steamer was directed by Ron Burgandy as to where he could hopefully find the runners.  So as Steamer was pulling out, in rolls Nipple Shot right at 05:30.  This particular group of Ruckers were all veterans so Introduction, Mission Statement and Disclaimer were all skipped in order for us to go as far as possible while hopefully working some exercises in.  As we begin, Nipple Shot immediately starts what would end up being a 15 minute lecture on anti chafing solutions. Apparently his go to product is called Aquaphor (see Reef Donkey’s pic on Slack).  This particular lotion protects various body parts from chafing while serving as a deodorant as well. Corn starch is also useful.  Baking soda especially should be avoided as it tends to clump up when wet causing all sorts of problems including the aggravation of having clumps escape the confines of your shorts and make for a potentially embarrassing situation as it oozes down your legs and could possibly come in to contact with whatever or whoever should be in the way.  I laughed for a solid 10 minutes as Nip and Blue Cross go back and forth discussing the various plus and minuses of different solutions.

We had not even made it to the end of Evans when we hear in the distance a runner coming hard our way.  It’s Knotty Head and he had a solid lead on the Stampeders.  As the gazelles greeted us with their pleasantries and went on their way, YHC called for packs off and 10 merkins. Apparently YHC was still chuckling over the previous conversation and I screwed up the rep count and we did 20 merkins.  Oh well.

We make our way across the 4 lanes and began the ascent of the AB bridge.  We hit the top, walked for a couple more minutes, crossed the 4 lanes again and went up the other side.  Once at the peak, YHC called for squat hold, with each man giving a 5 count.  Off we go on the descent and as we made our way back to Evans, we stopped at the first intersection, removed our packs and YHC called for 20 merkins which somehow morphed into 26 reps.  All is good as we put the packs back on and walked quickly back to the ATM arriving one minute past the Hard Stop time. We ended up Rucking for 3.3 miles.

We circled up for announcements and prayer requests.  The Port to Fort races are tomorrow, Nipple Shot has an employee undergoing eye surgery and the death of a 17 year old boy were mentioned.  YHC took us out while thanking God for our health and ability to be out here doing what we are doing.

Talking and laughing with your fellow Ruckers while also getting to know them better is just a lot of fun.  Thanks guys for joining me on a beautiful Carterico morning.  And thanks for the entertainment.  As always, it was a pleasure to lead.






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