• When: 4/10/18
  • Workout Style: Bootcamp
  • QIC: Rooney
  • PAX: Monkey Wrench, Frosted Flake, Ron Burgandy, Suit Case, Rooney
  • AO: Queen Ann's Revenge
YHC was pleased that the rain had held of this morning so that he could try out a new work out.  After driving down 20th street with the light of a single cell phone, I parked my trusty chariot near the basketball courts and proceeded to the flag on foot.  A hearty group of 5 showed up and after an intro we proceeded to do a rolling warm up mile with each man taking an exercise every so often on the trail around Rotary.
Next to the thang – we moseyed to the basketball court where we found YHC’s dump bed golf cart.  Frosty took the wheel, Monkey and I took up our post at the tail gate and Ron Burgandy and Suitcase would be the first to do exercises.  Off we went pushing the cart with Frosty on it while Ron and Suit did 10 merkins, 20 LBC’s, and 30 squats.  We quickly realized that pushing the cart would be no joke(could be that YHC forgot to check the tire pressure and there was only about 6 psi or it could have been Frosty’s heavy ass) so we omaha’d to 10 merkins and 10 LBC’s for the runners.  After the runners did their exercises they would run to the cart and we would rotate positions – pusher 1 to pusher 2, pusher 2 to driver, driver to runner 1, and runner 1 to runner 2.
After 1 lap from one end of Rotary to the other and back we went to the tables for three rounds of dips and irkins before returning to the cart for another lap across Rotary and back.  Each time we passed the Anchor B crowd there was a stunned look on their faces – I am not sure if it was the look of jealousy or one of amazement that each time we passed them I was in the driver seat getting pushed.
Once that lap was done, all 5 of us pushed the cart back to the flag at a fast clip motorcade style and everyone got one shot a Mary before the hard stop.
Announcements and Prayers for the White Oak Teacher.
A pleasure to lead, thanks for playing along and thanks to Frosty and Suitcase for the escort back to Champion Drive so I wouldn’t get hit by Madoff in his sports car doing 80 up 20th street.
TClap |