• When: 11/06/19
  • Workout Style: HIN
  • QIC: Bayliner
  • PAX: The Second Mile, Rooney, Navy, Puddles, Wolverine, Ronny B, Dash 8, Madoff, Poca, Meme, Ram, Lemon Jello, Newman, Pastor C, Plunger, Shrooooooom, Lassie
  • AO: Back Blasts

I had not Q’ed the HIN in awhile.  The CCC is a great location for F3, especially with weather like we had this am.  We had a tremendous turnout of great men today and all 17 that joined me came ready to work out and get started- so we did.

We moseyed to the upper lot for some stretching and warm up exercises-  SSH, CP, Windmill, Sun Gods, Lt over Rt, Rt over Lt,etc.

We then moseyed down the street to one of the best known hills in all of F3 Carterico.  We arrived and split up into partners, and rotated running the hill and Diamond Merkins and WW1’s at the top.  Each Man performed 66 Diamond Merkins, along with unlimited WW1’s- as well as sprinted up the hill 11 times.

We LT Dan’d to the mailbox and then ran to the parking lot to perform one round of partner squats and running laps until each twosome completed 150 reps.

We then moseyed to the waterfront, under the leadership of Puddles, and completed 3 rounds of dips, derkins, and erkins as we overlooked a beautiful view of the water.

We gathered at the flag for announcements and prayer requests.  Navy took us out with a great Prayer- Thank you Navy

It was a great morning that I was surrounded by great Men.  As usual, the workouts are good and keep us in better shape than we would be if we did not have them, but the best part continues to be the fellowship and faith.  As we went around the circle today, it became apparent that we had a lot of prayer requests that were spoken and many difficult situations that many of our friends are dealing with.  Additionally, I am sure we had just as many prayer requests that were not spoken.  Please continue to pray for those mentioned this morning-  Prayer requests:  John Jenkins, Shroom’s Father in Law, Shroom’s friend John Hood, Holiday’s M and her surgery, Les Fredeen and the loss of his MOM, Nippleshot, and Madoff’s Nephew who is in Hospital again.  Thank you for the opportunity to lead this morning and for all of you that came out to work out and not only get better, but help the rest of us do the same.


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