• When: 06-26-2018
  • Workout Style: Explosion
  • QIC: Schembechler
  • PAX: Reef Donkey, Wilson, Aflac, Blue Cross, Frosted Flake, Plunger, Suitcase, Monkey-wrench, Germ, Bedsore, macbel, BUCKEYE, vanboard, immigrant, gobbler, Villa, Ron Burgundy, jang-a-lang.
  • AO: Back Blasts

QAR & Anchor B,

YHC was introduced to F3 right here in Carteret County on vacation January 2016. Thinking YHC was in some sort of physical condition I showed up to a Band of Brothers workout in Morehead City and got absolutely smoked. In full stupidity I continued to post T-S that very first week, owning the 6 position. Barely able to complete 2 laps at WCHS, do 15 Merkins, or 20 squats. Little did YHC realize this week of F3Carterico was the beginning of a common F3 tale. Sad clown meets F3, F3 destroys sad clown, sad clown becomes a member of something bigger finds a new identity, and goes on the hunt to drag all.the other sad clowns to the court!
It is hard to imagine what YHC would be without F3, which means it is hard to.imagine what YHC would be without Carteret County.

Here is the Back-Blast for the 18 HIMs that posted this morning proving that F3 is a humbling experience that improves a man’s life physically, horizontally (fellowship), and vertically (faith).

0529: Disclaimer & Introduction

count off (give Q time to do poor math)

C.O.P. :: On the down count (as you hit say #) 10 Burpees!

SSH ic x 50

Sun God’s ic (Fwd x 25, Bkwd x 25)
Over Head Claps ic x 25
Cherry :cherries: pickers ic x25

0537 Do-a-ditty run: Instruction to be clear: and Go… Steady pace for a modified lap and called out 6…6…6…6 to finish a quick six Merkins before transition.

Count off to form groups of 3s. 18 guys counted and we formed 6 groups of 3.

Monkey :monkey: Rolls: 90s on 20s rest

Rd 1 ( 60%)
Rd 2 (80%)
Rd 3 (100%)

Tri-pod Merkins: *demonstrate
Modification is regular merkins

AMRAP in 40s 20s rest x 3 Rds ( modification regular merkins )

Weave the Rope: relay sprints
90s sprinting 20 s rest X3

Some sort of buddy carry::: from weave the Rope back to COP…

Rolling Plank circle:

Plank left side
6 (American :hammer: Hammers)
Plank right side
Front plank (CAROLINA wine mixers)
Plank left side (hip raises)
6 (flutter kicks)
Plank right side (hip raises)
Front plank (6 inch Merkins)
Left plank (leg raises)
6 (lbc’s x25)
Right Plank (leg raises)
Front plank left right Plank (3 Merkins)


Quick Message:

9 Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. 10 For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! 11 Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? 12 And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4: 7-12

Courage and unselfishness of individuals is what is required to make any system work properly… yet, Society tries to corral men away from masculinity by constructing social laws for men to follow. The truth is society cannot make men good using social laws and without good men you cannot have a good society.

But when you remove the socially constructed laws of society and you put men in community with one another, that have different education levels, different socio economic standing, different religious views, different physical abilities, and different attitudes toward life… You find mutual respect for those men that are displaying courage and loving selflessly and in doing so the whole system flourishes, it is sustained, and it is in good health!

This is F3 a community of men laying aside socially constructed laws and living courageously and selflessly for the man next to him.

A 3 fold cord, that will withstand all this world has to throw at these men and they remain unbroken!

Took us out in prayer!

Honored, Humbled, and Hyped to serve and be served by such an amazing group of HIMs! Come post Thursday for a looser version of f3


Bo Schembechler

TClap |