• When: 05/03/19
  • Workout Style: Boot Camp
  • QIC: Catfight
  • PAX: Couch Potato, Navy, Cheech, Dumpster Dawg, Skid Mark
  • AO: Cape Carteret Expansion

Great turn out this morning gents! The weather was perfect for a boot camp at The Mullet Wrapper.

Started out with a quick warm up in the parking lot then moved onto a BLIMP/Paula Abdul Combo. Using the sidewalk around the park running up 2 straightaways stopping to do an exercise, then running back 1 straightaway.


Burpees x5

Lunges x10

Imperial Walkers x15

Merkins x20

Plank Jacks x25

Squats x 30

Completed x2 rounds of BLIMPS then a short Indian run to the parking lot where we did a random assortment of wall exercises, merkins, lunges and abs until HS.

The bugs came out to feed on us for breakfast during count, namorama, announcements and prayer circle. No one quite knows what the hell Skid Mark ate for dinner last night, but we all got to hear it and smell it.

Great workout today gents!


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