Day 4 – Today started with 9 men gathered together in the gloom of the early morning. The glow of the streetlights in the church parking lot illuminated our band of brothers who were here to make each other better. 5:30 rolled around and I called a hard start. Mission statement and disclaimer were given and we started right off with


Good mornings x 15ic

SSH x 15ic

Hillbillies x 15ic

Cotton pickers x 15ic

Sungods x 15ic f/r

We then moseyed over to the adjacent lot for

The Thang

The Pax lined up at a set of 10 parking spaces. Yhc informed them that we would do different rounds of exercises. We would do 10 of the called exercise at each line for a total of 100 each. We would bear crawl or lunge from line to line depending on the exercise. The exercises were

Rd 1 – Merkins

Rd 2 – Squats

Rd 3 – Plank jacks

Rd 4 – Monkey Humpers

Rd 5 – Alternating Shoulder Taps

Rd 6 – Bobby Hurleys

From here, we moseyed over to the side of the church for

LBC x 39ic

Then to the wall for

Peoples Chair w/ Air Press x 39ic

Balls to the Wall x 39 count

With a few minutes left,  we moseyed over to the flag and circled up for

Mary – Pax led

Pillbox – Freddie Mercuries x 39ic

Couch Potato – Superman x 39ic

Laettner – LSF x 39ic

Hard stop 6:15


Prayer request was given by Laettner for his family as they begin their parenting journey through foster care today with a short term respite placement. Congratulations and kudos to them for stepping up. Laettner took us out in prayer.

Thanks to everyone who came out today to celebrate my birthday with me and for the birthday wishes. I appreciate each and every one of you.

Day 4 complete


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