• When: 08/21/18
  • Workout Style: Boot Camp
  • QIC: ButtonCap
  • PAX: Dumpster Dog, Couch Potato (respect), Navy, Maytag, Purple Rain, Laettner, Cooter, Sparkles, Tony Romo, BackUp, PillBox
  • AO: Back Blasts, Boonedocks

After a fun filled, refreshing and inspiring weekend at F3 Dad’s camp, YHC was excited for his Q at the Boondocks. Plan was devised and he arrived on time to see an ambulance and po po not more than 100 yards from the entrance of the church on the street where a lot of PAX get their standard on. Finding couch potato and sparkles waiting in the parking lot we discussed all the possibilities. Theft, Lurker, Prisoner escape, purple rain having been attacked by a wild cougar? The standard folks roll in one by one and give different story. A lost little girl, a kid on a bicycle…who knows. 11 PAX present, YHC gave the mission and disclaimer and mosey to the back lot,



10 Windmills….Here comes cooter that makes 12, and 1 burpee.

25 punches IC

Mosey to Parking lot across the street


15 Cotton Pickers IC

10 Goofballs IC

The Thang

Mosey to the dock 3 stops along the way

1) 25 SSH IC

25 MTN Climbers IC

25 Plank Jacks IC……at this time, what appears to be a girl wearing a toboggan (that’s a hat worn in the snow for the yankees amongst us), creeping down the street on a bike….she turns out to be a dude and fairly sketchily, he continues past us towards the church to presumably rummage our trucks and steal our shit…we continue on.

2) 25 SSH IC

10 Mule kicks SC

25 squats

3) 5 burpees.

at the dock bear crawl down the dock, 25 dips, 25 merkins, 25 bobby hurley and crawl bear back….it was YHC’s first time down the new dock and Dumpster Dawg was correct when he comment its at least 20 ft. longer…..it is now Purple notices what he says is a copy of the new testament next to a bottle of mountain dew and another item i can’t remember on the dock railing. Our Good Baptist Brother Purple is already excited about this sign from God that we are in the right place when i notice it’s actually an external hard drive (full of hentai no doubt) not a copy of the good Book. And who do we see creeping down the street…..Jay from Jay and Silent Bob again. I said good morning to him and that was that…..what a 16 year old is doing riding the hood at 545 am is beyond me, he needs some F3.

Same 3 stops and same 3 exercises as on the way down were performed on the way back to the church.


Bay City Scissors 8 count x 10

Dolly x 25 IC

Leg Climbers x 10 ea. leg IC

Have a nice day x 1 min.

Goal of the day was to keep the heart rate up, I think we did alright. I’ve enjoyed seeing this PAX grow and it seems we have a really strong core going, I appreciate you men for showing up. Thanks for the nod Sparkles.

Dad Camp

I signed up for Dad camp immediately when I read it was being offered, it sounded like a lot of fun and my 2.0 had just returned from a week at camp and seemed to really enjoy herself so we pulled the trigger. As with a lot of things I commit to 3 months in advance, the week finally arrived and I was a little apprehensive to go. Lots of work to do, lots of house chores, 2.0 activities we would be missing, I had a lot of excuses in my head of how I might be able to get out of it. My M heard this and didn’t miss an opportunity to build it up to my 2.0 to increase the pressure on me to follow through on my commitment….so we did. We were all packed up and “screw this shit” o’clock hit at work and we were off and I must say, I’m glad I sacked up and went. I’ve met a few of the guys from the real Carterico in MHC, especially when Jang first invited me and we didn’t even have a workout in the west but it’s hard to really get to know guys when you’re huffing and puffing through a workout. Dad’s camp not only gave me a rare and much needed 2 days alone with my eldest 2.0 but an opportunity to see other Carterican Dad’s in action. First off, Cartericans are well provisioned. Without much planning we had everything we needed to feed all of Carterico and as it turns out by Saturday night, Churham as well. Men are well provisioned. Secondly, Cartericans are great Dads. I saw it in Purple Rains eyes all weekend as the realization of just how grown up his daughter is was solidified. I saw it when Guppy said she didn’t want sauce on the noodles Frosted had just prepared so he took that deep breath we all have before and made her another one. When Aus Jus was in the middle of a convo and his 2.0 just wanted him to look at her do a trick with the ball, he quit his convo and gave her his undivided attention for a long while. Jang A Lang as he gave a clinic in patience and Griswold as he caught shrimp and fish all wknd with his and other 2.0s and tries to relate to his eldest. Deebo as he went full Carterican and arrived with his crowd by yacht.  Rooney’s 2.0 tried the blob 3-4 times and just couldn’t get the juice up to jump, he patiently waited as she tried and tried again, nailed that zipline though. If you have or have had a little boy 2.0 you understand what Misty is going through, handled it like a pro. Devlin is as about as solid an all around dude as I’ve met and I enjoyed learning about his family and life during our ruck. Fathers and Father figures are in short supply in this world and it was refreshing to be around so many other F3 guys, with similar goals and attitudes, trying to raise their families and get their little piece of the pie. Thanks Jang A Lang for getting me involved with F3 and I would encourage anyone who has not traveled outside of Carterico for an F3 event to sack up, commit and do it, never know who you will meet or how it will change your life but I can guarantee it will be a positive experience. Thanks also to Aus Jus for putting the camp on, quite an undertaking. One last thing, when the fellow from Churham sent the email with the salutation              “Gentlemen, (and Cartericans)”, I took that as a badge of honor.



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