• When: 7/14/18
  • Workout Style: Bootcamp
  • QIC: Flipova
  • PAX: Misty, reproducer, crabby Englishman, Winnie the poo, deuce, Xbox, Gertrude, Jenny craig, pele, trailmix
  • AO: Back Blasts, Dunes Club

11 men gathered for the slickcam a disclaim r was given and we were off for warmarama

SSH x 20IC

CP x 20 IC

sun gods x 10 IC each direction

windmills x 15 IC

monkey Humpers x 10 IC

we ran out to the peir with 2 sandbags and spit into two lines and performed and Indian run, running the bag to the front and then back to the back runner passed the bad and sprinted back to the front. We completed .3 miles stopped and formed a ring and passed the bags performing a Burpee each time you passed the bag. X 10 Burpees, Squats x 20 sc, lunges x 10 IC and we ran back to the pier sandbag Indian run.

We performed a bear crawl Merkin ladder with 4 count bear crawl adding a Merkin each time until we got to 10. Broad jump Burpee Merkin ladder on the way back progressing to 10 Merkins. Another round of squats and lunges and it was time for the task  at hand.

Cones were set and about 75 yds and 40 yds and it was a sort of rack n stack rd 1 between the first 3 exercises run to the 75yd cone and back, last 3 to the 40 yd cone

5 Burpees

10 merkinda

15 Dry docks

20 Diamond merkins



rd 2

5 groiners

10 double wide Merkins

15 plank jacks

20 wojo squats

25 LSF

30 SSH

one more round of Bear crawl Merkin ladder with 8 count bear crawl and we finished at 5 Merkins


LBC x 50

v-sits x 20

american hammer x 20 IC

reproducer took us out, great work by everyone

until next time….YHC


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