• When: 06/08/18
  • Workout Style: Running
  • QIC: Bedsore
  • PAX: Flipova, Deebo, Misty, Rosie, Gertrude (respect), Suitcase (respect), Pocahontus, Bayliner, The Drive, Duece (respect), Jang-a-Lang, Rooney, Madoff, Water Wings, Big Mic, MeeMee, Rameses, Bedsore, Crabby Englishman, X Box
  • AO: Stampede

Sleeping fitfully from midnight on due to the nervousness related to his first Q, Bedsore left the house at 4:55 thinking that if he screwed up, coffee at the end would generate forgiveness by the PAX.  Arriving at Dunkin Donuts just after they unlocked the doors, the Q felt a feeling of euphoria knowing this would be a good thing.  Unfortunately, it took longer to get two boxes of joe than it does to get through the Chick-fil-a drive through at lunch time.  Nervously dancing as though about to drop an Elvis in his pants, the Q sent a text to MeeMee he was coming in hot with coffee and to get the PAX circled up.  The Q then paid and began speeding across the bridge, knowing he was running really late when Deebo passed him going 55 trying to get to the AO on time.  Pulling into the parking lot, announcing 1 minute with 30 seconds before the hard start, the PAX circled up.  With no FNG’s, the Q was coerced to review for what F3 stands and the core values.  The route was covered and The Stampede began.

The lead group started off slow, allowing even the Q to keep up for the first two minutes then they were off.  Rumor has it at one point, the lead group were maintaining an under 5:30 mile with distances ranging from 5 to 5.5 miles.  The rest of the PAX ran 4 to 5 miles on this cool but humid morning.  Crabby Englishman heard MeeMee was looking to break the 9 minute mile pace and led MeeMee and the Q for a hard 2.4 miles ensuring that goal was met.  Iron sharpens iron!  Somewhere around the 3.5 mile mark, the Q jogged to the side of the road, tasting merlot and wondering if it was about to be spilled.  A moment of recovery and on he continued.  X-Box, with legs half the age of the rest of the PAX, was our Happy Clown of the day and after completing his 5+ miles, ran back to check on the 6. The Q staggered into the COT announcing the Hard Stop at exactly 6:15.

Jang-a-Lang had a couple of announcements which will hopefully be repeated on Slack as the Q was to tired to pay attention enough to remember them then a request for prayers was asked.  The PAX learned of a family in Cary who’s child over dosed on opioids at a party with several other people.  Big Mic then led the PAX in an inspirational prayer and the PAX broke off for mumble chatter and coffee.  Jang a Lang shared his Scottish heritage by putting on what appeared to be a kilt. Bayliner determined he needed to leave and in an attempt to show what Ford Tough means, spun out in the parking lot. Deebo, knowing his Chevy is built like a rock, jumped into reverse with minor tire slippage.  The Q, in his Toyota minivan, beat both trucks backing out of the sandy parking lot with no tire slippage and the control offered by a Made in America Japanese vehicle.

A great morning run to kick off the last day of the work week. 

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