• When: 08/04/18
  • Workout Style: Hero Patriot
  • QIC: Bayliner
  • PAX: Puddles, Monkey Wrench, Rooney, The Second Mile, Bayliner
  • AO: Hero Patriot

For the first time in a long time, we began a workout without any rain falling or lightning striking.  The lack of rain and lightning must have scared off many of our PAX who have become accustomed to the stormy conditions, with the exception of the 5 men that showed- all Hero Regulars.  Puddles, Monkey, Rooney, and The Second Mile joined me for a very quick disclaimer and a mosey to the front of the school for warmarama-


Windmills x10

Cotton Pickers x10

Sun Gods x 10, Rev Sun Gods x10

Lt over Rt, Rt over Lt,

Downward Dog to stretch calves and legs

We took off for the track and ran the maze around the fences to our starting point.  We kept the workout simple today and the goal was to work everything, so we did the 4 corners.  For round 1 we started at the home side track 50 yd line and ran to the first corner to complete a set of exercises. 10 merkins, 10 squats, 10 WW1’s.  We then back peddled to corner 2 for the same set of exercises.  We continued to run down the straight away to the far corner to complete same set of exercises, then back peddled to the last corner to complete the last set before running back to starting point.

Round 2 was the same except the exercises were 10 dry docks, 10 wojo squats, and 10 LBC in cadence.  We also Lt Dan the end zone turns between the corners instead of back peddle.

Round 3 was same as Round 1 except a count of 15 for each exercise.

Round 4 was same as Round 2 except a count of 15 for each exercise.

Total was 100 merkins, 100 squats, 100 WW1’s, 100 dry docks, 100 wojo squats, and 100 LBC’s in cadence.  In addition to the workout, we had some great conversations about sports, music, and life.  Puddles was able to share some stories about his time with the Eagles and Monkey was able to reflect on his time with Willie Nelson.  I really enjoyed today and appreciate the company and the guys that came out.  Everyone worked hard and did not stop.  We did not have many announcements and our prayer requests continue to pray for Blart’s wife and her great attitude and positive outlook as she continues to improve!  Monkey took us out with a great Prayer!  I enjoyed it fellas and thanks again for coming to the Hero- Bayliner

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