• When: 10/30/18
  • QIC: Hillarty
  • PAX: Rameses, Crabby Englishman, Misty, Shiplap, Au jus, Jangalang, Steamer, Deebo, Bayliner, Newman
  • AO: Dreadnought

11 Men came out in 49 degree weather.  YHC was cold, so a short disclaimer was given and we were off to the track.


SSH x 20

Sun god 10 each direction

Cotton picker slow x 10

The Thang

4 x 400’s sprint 200 walk/job back to the start.  Down dog is your rest position.  Yoga poses followed

2 x 400’s 300 walk/jog back to the start. Down dog for rest, yoga followed.

2 x 400 slow mosey 200 sprint the remaining 200.

Slow mosey 1 lap to dips.  Diprama each person called out 5 dips down the line. 55 dips total.  Rinse and repeat.  55 dips again—sucks by the way.

Pull up bar

10 dip, 10 pull up, 10 dip, 10 pull up. Long lap to side of the school

Peoples chair, balls to the wall, peoples chair, balls to the wall.  Slow mosey back to the flag.

3.4 miles ran.  2.5 we hard earned miles.  0 burps, 0 merkins Jang

It was a pleasure taking over the site Q from Ram.  I have big shoes to fill.  Excellent job Rameses.


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