• When: 1/30/20
  • Workout Style: Bootcamp
  • QIC: McSketti
  • PAX: Huckabee (R), Purple Rain, Hacksaw, Chonce..I mean Cheech, Honey Wagon, Princess, Tony Romo, Back up.
  • AO: Rolling Stone

It was a beautiful morning, chilly but no one really cared because princess had the jet heater going and the music got us in the mood to start the Warm a Rama. Sun gods, cotton pickers, imperial walkers.

Took a mosey over to the wall start of people’s chair with a 15 pound kettle bell held out in front of everybody with a 10 count going down the line. Passed it back down the line under our legs then we continued with 30 Merkins. Repeated  with a 15 count kettle bell extension and another 30 Merkins.

Mosey to the back of the school to the three tractor tires laying on the ground. Continued with Erkins, Muhammad Ali’s, Dirkins, Muhammad Ali’s. It was at this point where I was counting up people to see how we could run a tire flipping Dora when I look over and Purple Rain looked with  no nonsense look in the eye, and said… “I don’t pick up tires” coming to the realization that I really didn’t wanna pick them up either, I decided let’s skip that portion and go mossy to the field.

We partnered up and ran a Dora. 50 yards back pedal 50 yards sprint back to the partner, 100 merkins, 200 sumo squats, 300 LBCs, 400 air presses.

Mosey back to the kettle bell. We circled up while one person ran around the circle we did exercises constantly until everyone made it one trip. Started with Warhammer’s, dry dock leg lift switching, leg lifts 12 inches from the ground, and crabcakes.

Mosey back to the flag. Circled up for a quick Mary with 3 min left. Hard stop at 6:15.

Announcements: next Thursday is the laser tag that Cheech is sponsoring. please check his post for details. 29th of February is the oyster roast for backpack friends, don’t miss that. And Ponch will be at mullet wrapper tomorrow Qing and not doing cartwheels.

Purple Rain doesn’t lift tires but he always lifts us. He took us out with a thoughtful prayer.

Thoroughly enjoyed it gentlemen, thank you for letting me lead you today.




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