• When: 02/20/20
  • Workout Style: Boot Camp
  • QIC: Tony Romo
  • PAX: Dumpster Dawg, Shebang, Lunchbox, Honeywagon, Bandit, Princess, Ricardo, Kiwi, Leatner, Skidmark, Purplerain, Pillbox, McSketti, Cyclops, Griswold
  • AO: Croatan High School

The kinder gentler Tony Romo rolled up to the AO as the other PAX rolled in.  Big group with morning with a total of 16 including one FNG (welcome Shebang – it’s a William Hung reference from American Idol).  I had a fun day of nostalgia planned for the guys.

A few short moseys and some basic warm up exercises.  Highlight of this was an excercise I made up just to goof on everyone called “boot to the moon – jazz hands”  I yelled boot to the moon, everyone kicked one foot sky high, then the pax yelled “jazz hands” while doing…well…jazz hands.  I just wanted to see 16 grown men doing jazz hands. Someone figured out it was not a real exercise.  Purplerain needs more flare, he sucks at jazz hands.

First Up
We played a game of Red Light Green Light with a slight twist.  If you got caught moving by the person being the light, you had to do 5 burpees and go back to the starting line.  We played a few rounds in the dark which presented its own issues.

Second Up
We did a mosey out of the wind and played a few rounds of freeze tag.  Somehow I got tagged the most. When you were unfrozen, you had to do 10 merkins.  Lots of huffing and puffing as we tried to keep away from Kiwi, that guys is fast

Third Up
We played Red Rover.  This was fun as the PAX really did a great job at keeping others from breaking the line.

We did a mosey to the benches and did a few rounds of Triple D University, mosey to the flag for a quick Mary, announcements, prayers and off!

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