• When: 11/27/18
  • Workout Style: Boot Camp
  • QIC: Cheech
  • PAX: Pillbox (Respect!), Cooter, Navy, Birdman, Couch Potato (Respect!), Princess, Dumpster Dawg, Sparkles, Purple Rain, Maytag
  • AO: Boonedocks, Cape Carteret Baptist Church

Pulled in early to set the scene with some glow sticks and caught Purple Rain and Sparkles on their standard. Seeing them gave me hope that at least one other person was gonna show up.  You never know with these cold temps.  Headed back into the church’s main parking lot and the PAX were already coming in.  2 minutes before hard start and I decided to go ahead and start the Warmarama to get some blood flowing for the 10 of us. But not before issuing a flawless Mission Statement


Jog in place 30 sec

High Knees 30 sec

Girl Fights both directions 30 sec each

Side Stretches both sides

Windmills ICx10

Cotton Pickers ICx10

We were finishing up our warm up when Pillbox came in hot.  We did a couple burpees in his honor and finished up with:

Hillbillies ICx10

Once done we exited parking lot and headed for the docks

Exercise 1

Indian Run – Totaling a little over 1 mile back to secondary parking lot and glow sticks

Exercise 2

WMD Crawl

W = 5 Werkins with a wide shoulder bear crawl to 1st glow stick

M = 5 Merkins with a standard bear crawl to 2nd glow stick

D = 5 Diamond Merkins with hands close together bear crawl to 3rd glow stick

rinse and repeat then moseyed back to main parking lot

Exercise 3

Spartinis (baby Spartans)

PAX lined up side by side along one end of parking lot and sprinted 50 yards away to opposite end.  Once there, 10 Merkins were performed and a recovery walk back to starting line.  I was impressed by the speed of Maytag, Cooter and Princess during this session.  It’s good to know I now have partners in crime for next year’s Black Friday sale!  This was repeated 9 times and was Omaha’d by YHC.  Next time we WILL make it to 15 Navy!!  Lol

Sprints = 450 yards

Merkins = 90

Moseyed back to Glow Stick lot for a repeat session

Exercise 4

WMD Crawl

W = 5 Werkins with a wide shoulder bear crawl to 1st glow stick

M = 5 Merkins with a standard bear crawl to 2nd glow stick

D = 5 Diamond Merkins with hands close together bear crawl to 3rd glow stick

rinse and repeat and followed by:

LBCs = ICx15

Heel Touches = ICx10

then moseyed back to pavillion for:

Russian Dips = ICx20 (rapid fire that was too much for Dumpster Dawg to handle!  Haha)

then moseyed back to the Flag for 30 secs of Supermans till hard stop led by the man, the myth, the Legend…Couch Potato (Respect!!)


Namarama and Announcements were made.  Griswold on the Q for Prometheus tomorrow.  Looking forward to using my new Rucksack for that!  Prayer requests were given for Couch Potatoes 2.0, tater tot.  He was injured the previous night playing basketball and was having minor surgery performed later this morning.  Purple Rain blessed us with his heartfelt words and gave us what we needed to hear to face this day with humility and compassion.  Another great day to be alive and in good health with a great group of HIM.  It was an honor to lead so thanks for the opportunity Sparkles


Cheech out





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