• When: 06/05/2018
  • Workout Style: Bootcamp
  • QIC: Puddles and Banana Seat
  • PAX: Bunyon, Boss Tweed, (Respect) Twitty, Graco, Liver Mush, Puddles, (Respect) Banana Seat, (South Wake)
  • AO: Beaufort, Clam Digger

Seven PAX gathered on a humid and hot morning for what YHC hoped would be a decent beat down.  Having offered to take the Q around 5:30 the previous afternoon (apparently there was some sort of confusion on the Qsheets as to who was Q), YHC didn’t have a whole lot of time to prepare.  Knowing that Banana Seat was in town, YHC invited him to join us in Beaufort.  After some brief discussion it was decided that the two of us would CO-Q the workout.  YHC would work the first half with Banana Seat covering the back end.  This was decided after YHC had posted the PB so we decided to let sleeping dogs lie. The Pax would learn of this in the morning. With no FNG’s present, the one minute warning was given and just as Boss Tweed appeared from the dark and barely under the 0530 hard start, the Welcome and Mission Statement were given and off we moseyed to the Beaufort Cutting Board for Warm-A-Rama that went something like this:

10 Dips I/C

Five Burpees OYO (mumble chatter picks up a notch)

Left over Right for 30 count then Right over Left the same

10 SSH I/C

Quads stretch and probably some other warm up that I cannot recall.

The Thang:

Back to the Dock House and the crosswalk on Front Street for the Merkin Mile.   The Pax were shown a large traffic cone sitting on the sidewalk approx. 100 yards away.  Pax was instructed to run to said cone, do one Merkin then run back to the crosswalk for 2 Merkins, back to cone for 3 Merkins..etc. This would continue until a count of 18 was reached.  On the last run back to the crosswalk, the Pax would be up to 18 Merkins.  YHC asked the Pax to  chose a partner or two that would run at roughly the same pace.   This would help everyone keep up with what Merkin/Run rep they were on.  After about rep number 4, Boss Tweed insisted were on at least rep 7.  When told otherwise, he apparently was not to happy.  Banana Seat and Graco were in their own little world and absolutely killing it.  When asked what rep they were on and we were told  7,  YHC saw smoke coming from the Boss’s ears. Surely the gazelles had lost count.  Not to be.   On the way back to the crosswalk and having completed 16 reps, YHC swore we were done and picked up the cone and placed it back in it’s original location.  Imagine YHC’s surprise when he sees BT, Twitty Liver and Bunyon running back towards him.  Uh Oh. We were doing 18 reps….not 16.  Keeping accurate counts while running and doing 171 Merkins continues to be a challenge for YHC.  The Merkin Mile breaks down a mile run into 100 yd. bites while doing 171 Merkins. What a way to get your day started.

After a 15 or so count from Twitty (YHC asked for 30 but was denied) it was on to the Burpee Count Down. Facing north on Craven, we did 5 burpees and ran to a trash can about 40 or so yards away.  Once arrived, we did 4 burpees, so on and so forth until we hit one burpee.  At this point, to the surprise of the PAX, YHC turned the workout over to Banana Seat who proceeded to tell us about the Build a  Bear (the only Build a Bear YHC was familiar with was a store in Crabtree Valley Mall some 150 miles away.  For some reason YHC doubted we were about to play with stuffed animals).  The Build a Bear went like this, more or less:  In the parking lot off of Craven St. we lined up, one man per parking spot line.  We bear crawled to the curb and hung and left and bear crawled to the end of that curb, turned and bear crawled to the end of the parking spot where we did one burpee with a plank jack.  This routine continued for 7 parking spots.  Shoulders and quads were sufficiently smoked by this time.

Next was an Indian run to the park. Mercifully, the run was fairly short.  We lined up along the wooden plank fence where we did a series of dirkins.  With feet on first plank of the fence, Banana Seat called for 10 dirkins.  Up to the middle plank we go for 10 more dirkins.  Mumble chatter is abundant.  Then to the top plank for 10 more, stopping again at the middle plank for another 10 then finally to the bottom plank for a final 10 count dirkin.  Breathing heavy and happy to be in the prone position for even just a few seconds the winded Pax could muster no more mumble chatter.  Back to Front St. we moseyed stopping just short of the Dockhouse for a little plank fun.  Assuming the chillcut position the last man in line rose and jumped over his neighbors calves and continued like a kangaroo to the end.  Repeat. Once.


Back at the dock, Banana Seat led us through cool down with 20 Box cutters, J-lo times 10, pickle pounders times 15 and low slow flutters times 10.  Somewhere in the mix were 3 rounds of monkey humpers, 15-12-10.

Sufficiently smoked, soaked and choked we circled up for name arama with YHC going first and stumbling badly but recovered with the help from the Pax.  Announcements were the beach run this evening and normal workouts tomorrow.  Check slack. Prayer requests were made for Blart’s wife and Crablegs (South Wake) who is suffering from ALS and at age 49 has a wife and 3 kids.  Tough times for that family and his condition is deteriorating.   YHC took us out in prayer.

Thanks to all who posted and to Banana seat for the CO-Q.  Hope to see you back in Beaufort soon, BS.   We covered around 2.5 miles and knocked out 221 merkins.  Not bad for a Tuesday.  As always, it was a pleasure to lead.

Puddles out


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