• When: 02/25/19
  • Workout Style: Bands
  • QIC: Wilson
  • PAX: Gobler (Respect), Shaft, DanceHall, Puddles (Respect)
  • AO: Back Blasts, Band of Brothers

The morning started out well as I knew I would not be alone this morning. I had gotten an HC from @DanceHall and an SC from @Gobler as long as it didn’t rain. I pulled in and there was Gobler, shortly followed by DanceHall and Puddles. The count down began and at 0530 a flawless mission statement and disclaimer were given.

We took off for a short mosey around the block and just as we got back to the AO in comes Shaft on two wheels. This Q does not believe in burpees for any Pax willing to show in the gloom, so Shaft immediately jumped in as we began the Warm O Rama. Warm O Rama complete we jumped in to the thang.

The workout consisted of 3 rounds of:
15 Arm Curls each side
15 Shoulder Presses each side
15 Squats with (Puddles) or without bands
15 Upright Pulls using a post
15 Chest Presses using a post
15 Chest Flies using a post (didn’t like these)
and a Mosey around the block

After the final round we moseyed over to the fountain and did 1 round of 15 Urkins.

The Mary consisted of some good stretching, something we don’t do enough of.

Prayers were requested and given, announcements were made and Puddles took us out in prayer. I want to thank Gobler, Puddles, Shaft and DanceHall for joining me for a “Glorious” morning and not leaving me hanging two weeks in a row.

Next week PEDRO (RESPECT RESPECT) is on the bands and I expect and he deserves a strong showing.

TClap |