- When: 1/29/20
- Workout Style: Bells/Bands
- QIC: Griswold
- PAX: Ponch (respect) frank and beans (respect respect), Weinstein (respect), honeywagon, BeeHole, McSketti (respect), Couch Potato (respect), Buttoncap, Huckabee (respect), Griswold QIC
- AO: Prometheus, Rolling AO
F3 Carterico is full of studs. This morning at the Prometheus, ponch slung around a 40 pounder for single arm presses like he was out on a Sunday stroll. Frank and beans (respect X 2) got up at zero-dark-thirty and ran over the bridge to the Java Post to start the work out. We were blessed with the presence of the founding father of the Prometheus this morning as well… the great Buttoncap, with that familiar look like he just got out of bed two minutes ago.
At 0530, We started with a warmup lap around the parking lot, followed by: imperial squat walkers, Michael Phelps, mountain climbers, Frankensteins. We then partnered with a band For some resistive work. Partner one held the reins with the band around partner Two’s waist. Partner two did a high-knee power run against the resistance of his partner along the length of the Java Post building. We switched out and repeated forward, sideways (each), and backpedal. We then chose our weapon of choice, kettle bell or dumbbell, for a series of exercises. The Q decided to start with pure suck… Burpee‘s with kettle bell squat-row combo X 10. We followed up with: KB diamond merkins, lunge hold rows (each), goblet squats. Palate cleanser lap to the ABC store. Now with bands in hand: squat with overhead press, kneeling skull crushers, partner side resistant Burpee‘s (each). Palate cleanser to the ABC store. Kettle bells again: on your back for skull crushers, midline chest press, and single arm press (each). Next, we did a suitcase KB carry for a little core stability, down and back the length of the building. Now on your six for some ab work: toe taps over kettle bell, American Hammer with midline press, boss tweeds, heel taps each side of the bell. Another pallet cleanser to the ABC store. Back with the kettle bell: V sitting midline overhead press, alternating lunges holding overhead press (each hand) two rounds. With only a couple minutes remaining (not by McSketti’s watch) we performed 30” AMRAP: Ali curb toe taps and Mike Tyson’s. With 30 seconds left, we pushed hard for three last Burpee‘s with a curb jump. Hard stop. Count-off and nameaRama. Announcements were made of upcoming second F events, and McSketti on the stone tomorrow. After a few prayer requests, we closed out in prayer for many of our F3 brothers and their families.
It was a glorious morning to put in some work and fellowship with my brothers! I was surrounded by many in the respect club today, and I am humbled by their continued push to better themselves. I appreciate the support, and for the keys this morning ponch. Now next time, don’t quadruple book your schedule. 😁
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