• When: 06/16/`8
  • Workout Style: Bootcamp
  • QIC: Ma Bell
  • PAX: Immigrant, Flipova, Misty, Steamer, Crabby Englishman, X Box, Ma Bell (ENC), Pele, Morning (New Bern), Bubble Guts (New Bern), Deuce, Barnacle
  • AO: Slick Cam

Jang-a-lang asked Memorial day weekend if YHC would take the Q at the Slick Cam and I of course said no problem. Well YHC was a little slack and didn’t get back to him about a date. Well Thursday rolls around and Jang sends a message about taking Saturday’s Q. Well I was planning on being at the beach so why not. Saturday rolled around and I didn’t get much sleep. Not sure whether it was nerves or what but I arrived a the dunes club about 6:15 to scout and well since I wasn’t sleeping I might as well get out of the house. Pax started to roll in about 6:50. 2 and 1 minute warning was given. Pax circled up to get started, Crabby E and Pele rolled in just at Start time and we were off.


Side Straddle Hops x 20 IC

Arm Circles x 10 forward and backwards IC

Mountain Climbers x 20 IC

The Thang:

Mosey to the beach and circle up

10 Burpees OYO

Angle Grinder x 10 IC

Pax then Indian run to the Wilson Street access and circled up for circle of merkins

Merkins x 10 IC

Wide arm Merkins x 10 IC

Diamond Merkins x 10 IC

Ranger Merkins x 10 IC

Indian Run continued to the Circle

Pax were instructed to find a spot on the wall for

Dips x 20 IC

Derkins x 20 IC

Step ups x 20 IC

Pax then were instructed to follow the leader run on the road back to the Wilson street access

Pax circled up in the sand for

Squats x 10 IC

Lunges x 10 IC

Pax then indian run back to the pier

Partner up and one partner run to the mile marker near the pier while the other partner Bear crawl the length of the pier and back. Pax would switch in place once the runner returned.

Pax then instructed to find a pole for the following:

Balls to the wall x 20 IC

Balls to the wall alternating shoulder taps x 20 IC

Balls to the wall merkins x 20 IC

Pax were then instructed to line up facing the water for caterpillar from the pier to the lifeguard stand. Once reaching the lifeguard stand pax were instructed to return to the pier for exercises that YHC skipped over

Peoples chair x 20 IC

Mike Tyson x 10 IC

Pax given disclaimer and told to remove any items they didn’t want wet and we moved into the surf. Here we completed the following:

Merkins x 20 IC (which will hereby be referred to as enema merkins, thanks Steamer)

Burpees x 10 IC

Mountain Climbers x 20 IC

Pax were instructed to grab their things and return to the Dunes Club (this turned into a lollygag to the dunes club) Hence an abbreviated Mary

Flutter Kicks x 20 IC

Freddy Mercury x 20 IC


8:00 Hard Stop



Prayer Requests:


Bayliner’s Niece



Sasquatch July 28th in Greenville. There is a running and rucking option. Additionally there is a 2nd F event planned for Friday night.



I wanted to thank everyone for allowing me the opportunity to take the reigns at the Slick Cam. I have to be honest that this AO has been somewhat intimidating to myself (running on sand isn’t a promising venture for someone of my size). But this has given me the opportunity to show myself that it may be tough but it isn’t something that I need to avoid. Again, thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Ma Bell… Out!

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