- When: 03/13/2019
- Workout Style: Boot Camp
- QIC: Lassie
- PAX: Reef Donkey, Bayliner, Ramses, Nipple Shot, THE Blue Cross, Shroom, Newman, PeeWee, Pastor Cleaver, Monkey Wrench, Gertrude, Plunger, Sponge Bob
- AO: Hole in None
Nipple Shot talked to me a little bit this week about living invisible in success…living like the heroes we look up to rather than living like society thinks we should live. I challenge all of you to think about what you consider success…and then strive to be as invisible, humble, forgiving and thoughtful in this success as you can be. I have attached a video of Adam Snyders East Carolina Firefighter Pipe and Drum group. It appears he did everything with a passion which resonated with many people. Do you do the meaningful things with passion?
After an incredible bout of leadership from the Second Mile in regards to Warmarama, we went into…….
8’s – Figure eight around the pond Burpees and Butterfly situps
7’s – To Deebos hill we went. Down and back For Jump Squats and Panther Shoulder Taps
6’s – To Deebos beach volleyball court we went. Bearcrawl across do merkings and lunges, broad jump burpee back
To Gertrudes sitting area with lose concrete seats. Hungarian dips and derkins
We finished up with an incredible round of American Hammers from our fearless Bells leader The Second Mile and an outstanding prayer from Ron Burgundy
*Bluecross was in attendance today. 2 days in a row. It tickles me pink to see him back out. Many of you may not know this but many years ago Blue Cross set the F3 workout attendance record for the STATE. What Blue Cross may not realize is that he was an absolute inspiration to guys like me. Kudos my friend.
*Sponge Bob and Pee Wee….thank you for you push and passion this morning. It warms my heart seeing the newer guys began to understand the bigger picture of what we do. I appreciate yall.
*And lastly, a shout out to Duckbutter, who is apparently training for a FUNGO event. Lets wish him luck in his endeavor!
Lassie Out
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