- When: 1/15/2019
- Workout Style: Boot Camp
- QIC: Livermush
- PAX: Livermush, Graco, Winnie the Poo, Bunyon, Flutters (Respect), Ronrico, Wally, Boss Tweed (Respect), Castanza
- AO: Back Blasts, Beaufort, Clam Digger, Dockhouse
AS YHC rolled into the West Lot Graco was already there. Winnie, Bunyon, Flutters Ronico and Boss Tweed soon followed.
Mission Statement and disclaimer were issued and we strolled to ANN Street Parking lot FOr Warm a Rama.
The idea today was to keep it moving and warm up as quickly as possible.
Warma- A-Rama – Ann Street
SSH 1 x 20 IC
Cotton Pickers 1 x 15 IC
About this time Wally rolled in. We waited on Burpees until we Hit Ron Burgundy’s “Burpee Corner” (Intersection of Craven and Ann).
Windmills 1 x 15 IC
Imperial Walkers 1 x 15 IC
SSH x 15 Forward and Reverse
The Thang
- Stop at Burpee Corner (Ann Street Corner) – 5 Burpees
Social Services Building
- Bear Crawl halfway across parking Lot, Lt Dan the other half
- 1 Set of Dips 1- 15 IC
Done as a group. Each set was 25 reps.
We ran up steps of courthouse and back down in between each set.
- 25 Plank Jacks IC After we finished Plank Jacks Castanza rolled in hot and joined us.
- 25 Shoulder Taps IC
Run to front street benches after squats then back to BB&T parking Lot
- Wojo Squats 25 IC
- Dips 15 IC
Post Office
Run around Post Office back to front street
- Dips 15 IC
- Monkey Humpers 25 IC
- Air Press 25 IC
Front Street Benches
Lap around BB&T
- Erkins 30 SC
- Merkins 10 SC
LBC’s IC 30 IC- Boss Led
Castanza Ran a lap for being tardy
WWI SC x 20
Box Cutters 20 IC
Castanza Tweeds- 1x 10 Each arm
Low Slow flutter 15 IC
Stretching led by Bunyon
Announcements: MY T on the Q for Bands Wed
YHC took us out with a Prayer.
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