• When: 03/27/19
  • Workout Style: Kettle Bells
  • QIC: Lassie
  • PAX: Ron Burgundy, Shaft, Aflac, Wilson, Pocahantas, Dash-8, Persimmon
  • AO: Tinkerbells

I awoke to a glorious cool breeze in anticipation of an epic kettle bell beat down.  After a leeside warmarama, we began the following…..


1) KB Curls, KB Copperhead squats x 12 IC

Bear Crawl to light

30 seconds of burpees

Bear Crawl back

30 seconds of KB plank

2) KB lift, KB Lunge x 12 IC

Bear Crawl to light

45 seconds of burpees

Bear Crawl back

45 seconds of KB plank

3) Peoples Chair KB raise, KB side lunge x 12 IC

Bear Crawl to light

60 seconds of burpees

Bear Crawl back

60 seconds of KB plank

4) KB lift, KB Lunge x 12 IC

Bear Crawl to light

45 seconds of burpees

Bear Crawl back

45 seconds of KB plank

5) KB Curls, KB Copperhead squats x 12 IC

Bear Crawl to light

30 seconds of burpees

Bear Crawl back

30 seconds of KB plank

It was an absolute pleasure to join you men in the gloom!








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